APIS Health Angels Logo
For Investors
For Startups
Events & Workshops
About Us
Signup deadline:
January 26, 2023
Final Event:
April 20, 2023
Angel Conference for startups seeking funding to start a business

About APIS Health Angels

APIS Health Angels is an investment group formed to help healthcare startups seek funding, invite new investors to dip their toes in the healthcare investing world, and grow the healthcare startup community. Conferences are held twice a year for startups to network, pitch their companies, and attempt to wow investors for an investment opportunity. We also hold workshops often for startups and investors to learn more about running businesses, seeking investment, and investing.
More About Us
6 Month Program
40+ Startups
40 Investors

About the APIS Health Angel Conference

APIS Health Angels is an investment group formed to help healthcare startups seek funding, invite new investors to dip their toes in the healthcare investing world, and grow the healthcare startup community. Conferences are held twice a year for startups to network, pitch their companies, and attempt to wow investors for an investment opportunity. We also hold workshops often for startups and investors to learn more about running businesses, seeking investment, and investing.

Join us virtually until next season.

Creating New Health Focused Angel Investors

This program helps Angel Investors get perspective on Health Startup Investing by learning by doing a group investment.

If you are interested in the Investor process, complete the Investor Interest Form.
Go to the Investor Interest FormLearn more about becoming an angel investor with APIS Health Angels

Growing Stronger Startups

Understanding your product market fit; multiple customers; reimbursement and revenue cycles and regulatory strategy is essential.
This program helps startups get more focused and become more investable.
At least one will get an investment out of this program.

If you are interested in participating as a presenting company, complete the Startup Interest Form.
Go to the Startup Interest FormLearn more about participating in the APIS Health Angels program as a startup

Program consists of Investor Education and Due Diligence

Step 1 - Methodology and Skill Building
Step 2 - Startup Analysis
Step 3 - Portfolio Development
Step 4 - Investment
Learn more about our workshops

40+ Startups

We aim for at least 40 participating startup companies to engage in the process. This includes a workshop series, and then an "American Idol" process of evaluation where we select 24 Quarter Finalists, 12 Semifinalists and 6 Finalists.

40 Investors

We gather 40 investors with half brand new investors learning the ropes and half experienced investors guiding the process.
Depending on the number investors that register, we aim to create fund of about  $200K to invest in one promising startup each round. Typically investors make 2-3 other sidecar deals with startups that participate, though this is not guaranteed.

6 Month Program

The program has two sections:

3 Months of workshops for startups and investors
(Virtual, in person starting in September.
Recordings available)

3 months of Investor meetings
(Company pitches and due diligence starting in January)

It all comes together in a final public event where we select the company for the fund investment.
More Program Information

Attend the APIS Health Angels main event

APIS Health Angels holds a conference twice a year where companies with bright ideas pitch to investors, learn what they could be doing better, and compete for a grand prize investment. You can attend our events as a participating company, investor, or as a viewer only attendee. This event is a chance to see the inner working of seeking investment from angel group and a great opportunity for networking.
Get Tickets
John Sechrest attending an investment conference event

Learn how to Angel Invest

Our program is focused on introducing investors to the world of angel investing and preparing them to make good investments. This learning experience will help you identify what makes a good company, progressing to identifying what makes a good investment, and creating and evolving your own investment thesis.

Create your own investment toolbox.

Learn the industry and identify where the company's proposed solution fits.
Determine how to select appropriate stage companies.

Evaluate the company progress for:
- product/service/technology;
- founder and team;
- revenue potential;
- company valuation.

Structure a deal.

Refine your Investment Thesis.


Learn about being an LLC Organizer

Learning Opportunity

Join us in this multi-factorial learning opportunity

Workshops with experienced sector experts push your understanding of challenges the health industry faces.

Solutions experts help you evaluate company offerings.

Investor experts identify what makes a good investment.

Expanding Your Health Investment Network

Learn with experienced and novice investors.

Connect with other angel networks.

Become exposed to a variety of investment practices.

Learn more about the Venture Capital companies
investing in the health sector.

Seek funding for your health startup company with APIS Health Angels

Join 40+ health startups looking for investment. Our program covers 3 months of workshops and a main event where the finalists pitch their ideas and the investors choose which promising startup wins the investment pool.
Startup Registration
Enter your company in the APIS Health Angel Conference to win funding for your health startup
John Sechrest attending an investment conference event

Become an Angel Investor and add a health company to your investment portfolio

Engage early with the workshops to learn about the Angel Investing and Fundraising processes. This is the first step on the road for building a Health Angel Portfolio.
Investor Registration

Health investment workshops for investors and startups

We have many workshops and events related to the APIS Health Angels program. Check out our events and workshops.
Check out Workshops


These are unsolicited testimonials from Angel Investors and Startups.
  • Lukas-Karim Merhi testimonial portrait headshot

    Lukas-Karim Merhi --BIT/TENZR

    "SAC mentorship and diligence helped refine BIT/TENZR company strategy and introduced us to the PNW investment ecosystem. Not only did their due diligence process and report accelerate securing additional funding from other notable Angel groups but played a key role in supporting our US expansion plans."

    Elaine Werfelli testimonial portrait headshot

    Elaine Werfelli: Investor
    Data Deity, Entrepreneur

    "I have been participating in the Seattle Angel Conference since SAC VII and I always learn something new, advance my investing thesis, get introductions to many new local start-ups, diversify my portfolio and meet new Angel colleagues... and have a fun time doing it! If you are interested in learning more about Angel Investing, come check out SAC and if you are an entrepreneur seeking funding, we are interested in hearing more about your startup!"
    Sirisha Adimatyami participating company in Apis Health Angels conference testimonial

    Sirisha Adimatyami: Founder, Innovosens

    "Innovosens entered the inaugural cohort of Apis Health Angels. Although Innovosens didn’t make it to the Finals, I enjoyed participating. All the companies were great, and getting to know the fellow companies was very exciting! I am thankful for the opportunity! I will need your suggestions and support and will stay in touch and look forward to any further opportunities to pitch. While I am still fundraising, I want to share the good news that I have incorporated, already gathered $500k from different Angels, and continue with the process. Thank you once again!"
  • Chelsea Carter testimonial portrait headshot

    Chelsea Carter - Investor, Fund Manager

    I've was fortunate to find SAC early on as I learned about investing. SAC provides some of the most comprehensive "learning by doing" opportunity I have seen, in addition to the group having the support of active investors in the larger investing community in Seattle. It is without a doubt the best way I have found to gain a lot of knowledge and experience quickly (though one can never stop learning about this space!) and meet many people who want to grow the investing community in Seattle. Sure, one could easily join a syndicate - but you don't get the same focused discussions or experience digging into early stage companies that SAC provides.
    Elliot Fisher Curi Curi Bio testimonial portrait headshot

    Elliot Fischer - Curi Bio

    "Glad to hear you're planning on expanding the Seattle angel community by launching a new forum for angel investment - we (Curi Bio) had a great experience with the Seattle Angel Conference, thanks in large part to John."
    Alex Alvier testimonial portrait headshot

    Alex Alviar - Investor

    “I love working with such a diverse and talented group of people. We make better decisions together."
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Don't lose any news and updates about our event and workshops.
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Register for our APIS Health Angel Program

This puts you into our communication channel so you are kept in the loop on APIS Health Angel initiatives.
And interestingly enough, it raises your accountability for moving forward with your investing goals,
whether it be your company or your portfolio!

Startup Application

Deadline for applications for cohort 2 is January 27, 2023.

Investor Registration

In order to become an angel investor, you must qualify as an accredited investor. Find out more about becoming an angel investor and submit an interest form.
Investor Information

Final Event Attendee

April 20th, 2023
All are welcome to watch our final event.
Watch as a founder, investor,
or interested cohort 3 participant.
TicketsAttend Final Event

More Resources for Startups and Investors

Check out our Youtube channel, books to read list, and our partner conferences to learn more about angel investing and seeking investment for startups.

Our Sponsors

We would not be able to run this program without the help of our sponsors.


Please visit our FAQ. If you still have question, please send a message.
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