On February 17, out of a great pool of Semi-Finalists, the Apis Health Angels investors selected their 6 Finalist companies. In making the decision as to who would move forward to the intensive 4-week period of due diligence considerations included: looking to see if there was a team that could execute, if the problem had sufficient market or had the potential to make a significant impact on health, if the financial projections had clearly laid out assumptions behind them and if the solution had the potential to raise additional capital as necessary to show proof of concept. Investors recognized that the companies are still in the growth stage and not all the answers were currently available. Teams that could show their thinking process behind their initiatives received greater consideration. We have 6 finalist companies that will share their company pitch. BodiGuide Inc(WA) Deborah Kessler "Transforming care of Congestive Heart Failure" The DD teams now spend the next 4 weeks diving deep into these companies. Come and see their final pitch. March 24 3-7pm PST.
Estrigenix Therapeutics, Inc.(WI) William Donaldson "Improving women's health through targeted chemistry"
Karios Technologies, Inc. (TX) Gregory Grover "Preventing cardiac adhesions"
NanoPharmaSolutions, Inc. (CA) Kay Olmstead "Enhancing the bioavailability of insoluble drugs"
Remedium Bio (MA) Luppino, Frank "Gene therapy for osteoarthritis"
Violett (WA) Branden Doyle "Creating safe spaces to breathe"