Begin by viewing "Angel Investing101". Reserve your investor spot.
The Apis Health Angel Conference is held semi-annually, with an early year session that runs January to mid-March and a second session still to be determined. During the 11-week program expect 5-10 hours of activity per week including a 2-3 hour Thursday evening session. Each Apis cohort is preceded by a series of optional, virtual workshops hosted on the Innovation in Health Eventbrite page. These workshops provide background on specific topics related to investing and entrepreneurship in health. In addition, the Apis Health Angels investors can join the more general education sessions which are hosted at the Seattle_Angel meetup group. The cost of the program includes two components: A program registration fee of $1000, and an investment of $5000. The program registration fee supports Apis Health Angel program costs, while the investment funds are pooled from all investors and awarded to the winning company via an LLC created for this singular purpose. We are currently reserving slots for Apis Health Angels 2, which starts mid 2022. Each cohort has a limited number of investor slots. These typically fill up fast, so don’t delay. Contact Elizabeth Cross Nichol, Apis Health Angels Program Manager to schedule a call to answer your questions, and provide further details for accredited investors interested in enrolling.
Begin by viewing "Angel Investing101". Reserve your investor spot.